Don’t let the Retirement Iceberg sink your Retirement Adventures!
If retirement is on your mind?
You’re going to uncover what’s going to move the needle in your plans. You’ll learn where most people get it wrong when planning their retirement.
When people come to us, they ask can you help with our retirement planning needs. And sure we can help them with that. After all, we specialise in making retirement planning simple.
Their questions are focused on retirement and rightly so.
The main questions that come up are:
Are we on track?
Will we have enough for retirement?
How do we invest our money?
This is a shallow conversation. It focuses on financial products and investments.
Sure, there’s an important part of the equation. They are the fuel to drive your retirement adventures. But, they are tools in your financial toolbox to get the job done.
If you’ve visited a financial planner in the past it’s likely your conversation stopped here. No wonder so many people are weary of seeking advice.
The Retirement Iceberg
If you think of it in terms of an Iceberg. We know the majesty of the Iceberg is below the waterline. The iceberg always moves in the direction of the base.
Thinking just about retirement is a shallow conversation.
But it’s not really about retirement, isn’t it?
If we take a deeper look at this, isn’t it about the results you’re looking for?
It’s about time freedom. Having more time to spend with friends and family…take that once in a lifetime trip to Europe…spend months caravanning around Australia…more time for hobbies and interests.
It’s about knowing your enough number. How much money do you need for the rest of your life?
It’s about having a predictable pathway. Knowing the decisions you need to make now and in the future. Identifying your blindspots so that you are prepared, rather than repairing your financial position.
A roadmap for navigating your retirement journey.
What would that mean to you to have all three in place?
But when you think about it, it’s not really about that either, is it?
If it’s not about that, then what is it about?
Isn’t it about living an abundant lifestyle now and through retirement.
Isn’t that what you really want?
The freedom to live life on your terms. To experience all the adventures you’ve dreamed about when you want and with whom you want. Without worrying about whether you will run out of money.
If your focus is on living an abundant lifestyle. You think about your finances differently. Discussions around money and investments become the tools you use to get and keep your abundant lifestyle.
ALSO WATCH: Paradigm Shift To Safeguard Your Retirement
The Past!
In the past seeking financial advice meant seeking advice around investments and investment products.
The past was represented by product providers. Advisers were distributors of products from those product providers.
There was one major problem with this approach.
Advice given via a conflicted relationship was always going to end badly.
If you’ve had a bad experience with an adviser, I suspect this is where it started. And no wonder you’re weary. Weary of what the next person is trying to sell you.
Real Lifestyle Financial Planning
It does exist. Sometimes you have to look far and wide. But it does exist. It’s exactly how we help clients live their best lives free from worrying about running out of money.
Real financial advice should be inspiring. Starting with discussions on your life. The lifestyle you want and how to keep it.
Not in depth discussions on why you are buying this share over that share. Or why you should use this super fund over that super fund.
Life is short!
The sooner you know how you’re positioned financially. The sooner you possess the power to make financial decisions to move you closer to what matters most to you.
Three Retirement Paths!
- You have ENOUGH! Wow, what a great position to be in. No longer will you have to worry about your money.
- Not ENOUGH! Now you can understand the GAP you have and do something about it before it’s too late. The POWER is now in your hands.
- Too MUCH! Enjoy your position. Do more things…help more people out…take less risk…experience more in life before it’s too late…retire earlier than you’d expected.
Once you understand which path you are on, you unlock the knowledge to make financial decisions to set you free!
Interestingly, most people who come to us are 80% there. They think they have everything in order.
We call it the “Good Enough” line. They buy into the myth “where doing okay and that’s good enough!”.
Good enough traps you. It’s not future proof.
Think what would have happened if Apple stopped at the IPOD…
We wouldn’t have the IPHONE.
…we wouldn’t have the IPAD.
Making that next step requires different thinking…a different approach.
You deserve more than “Good Enough”.
Moving beyond “good enough” is a super happy place! At this stage everything feels good.
So when a financial issue comes up you can look at it and go “oh, I’m sorted, I don’t have to worry about that” and get back to living your best life.
You deserve to live an abundant lifestyle!
Free from any worries about worrying about whether you’ll run out of money.
What makes or breaks any retirement plan?
Understanding the cost of your current and future lifestyle.
People put too much importance on the top of the iceberg without going deeper to learn what’s going to make a real difference in your life.
Don’t overcomplicate it…
Staying on track requires you to follow a proven blueprint to keep you on the right path.
People don’t fall off-track…their behaviour sends them off-track.
If what you’ve read resonates with you and you would like the opportunity to have me learn more about your unique situation. To give you some ideas on how this might apply to you to help you fast-track your progress.
Where we’ll help you:
#1 Get clarity on your retirement lifestyle
#2 Identify the biggest obstacles holding you back
#3 Get clear on your retirement roadmap
Would you be open to conversation?
You can book a call at your convenience by clicking here.
Time’s slipping away…life’s not a rehearsal!
We’re here to help when you are ready!
When you’re ready, book your Retirement Success Session below where we’ll help you create a game plan to go from “pay cheque” to “play cheque” with ease.
Book a Retirement Success Session today!
Glenn Doherty – CFP – Retirement Planning Specialist | Retirement Planning Made Simple for Over 55’s powered by Life-Centred Financial Planning