Retirement planning and investment insights

Educational videos to help you see through the noise and focus on what you can control. Helping you to avoid the mistakes many pre-retirees and retirees make in times of turmoil and stress.

A level headed view on how to manage in challenging times.

What you need to know about investment markets right now?

When investment markets go through stormy seas it’s hard to see the other side. Some panic and make silly mistakes. Some freeze like a dear in headlights. Frightened to do anything.  In times of uncertainty its time to take a deep breath and follow a proven process.

In the video below, we were lucky to spend time with Jon Reilly from Implemented Portfolios. We discuss in detail the current market conditions and how to navigate through stormy times.


Listen to the whole video or just jump to the parts that interest you:

[2:13] Current market update

[6:42] The difference between The Global Financial Crisis & COVID-19

[9:42] Focus on cashflow, not world events

[11:31] The market’s rebounded but the news is telling us something different.  It’s a little confusing.

[13:02] Three questions to answer in managing your investment portfolio or super!

[13:52] How to structure your investment portfolio in a low interest, low dividend environment?

[18:30] Have investment assumptions changed?

[19:52] The top 3 things to focus on in the next 3 mths!

What impact do current investment markets have on Retirement Planning?

If you’re heading towards retirement. Maybe you are feeling like your plans have been derailed. Wondering what the move is. We discuss how to manage your retirement when turbulent investment markets. Pushing you off-course.

[00:11] Assumptions to use to build into your retirement numbers!

[01:32] Return reset

[08:14] Managing investment portfolios in turbulent times.  “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater”

[11:07] Wrestling with investor behaviour!

[16:11] Your personal benchmark is more important than your investment return.

The various approaches to investing!

With so many options to choose from it can feel a little overwhelming. It’s doesn’t have to be that way. We cut through the noise and provide some common sense guidelines to use when choosing how to invest. We even discuss the world’s best investors advice on how to invest. We follow up with how working with an adviser can be seen as an investment and not a cost. It’s time to leave the past behind you.

[00:07] Passive vs active investing

[06:20] Wisdom from one of the worlds best investor

[08:20] What to consider when choosing your investment approach?

[10:50] Where do advisers add the most value?

The Implemented Portfolios Approach

While there is a tonne of different ways to invest. Direct share investments, exchange-traded funds, listed investment companies, managed funds, industry funds and a tonne more.

There’s an undeniable fact. Information is plentiful, therefore selecting investments that are going to outperform can become a fool’s game.

Over 20 years of advising clients on their retirement plans, we’ve used nearly all the approaches in the market place.

However, there’s one undeniable fact when it comes to investing that many ignore. Trying to beat investment markets is nigh on impossible. There is, however, conclusive evidence on what generates your investment return in portfolios. It’s how you allocate your money between your different assets within your investment portfolio.

We have therefore adopted this approach, along with Implement Portfolios assisting with adjusting portfolios to move out of the way of market bubbles and providing a smoother investment experience.

Listen to the video below to find out more:

[00.07] The Implemented Portfolios approach was born from the frustrations with the investment industry.

[04:15] Deficiencies in investment portfolios

[07:10] Risky vs defensive

[09:20] Implemented Portfolios Investment Philosophy.

[12:56] Who does this approach work for?

[16:47] Who it’s not right for?

What are the differences between the different types of super funds?

Probably the biggest frustration we find client have. Working out which super fund is the right one for them. After all, there are so many types and options available.

Just because one super fund has outperformed everyone else in one, does not mean it’s right for you. A different question needs to be answered. What super fund fits in with your retirement plan and matches your individual circumstances.

There is no one size fits all. More importantly, as you plan your final approach to retirement a different mindset and different approach is required. It’s important to understand how your money is invested and what’s required when you retire and convert to an income stream.

[00:07] Deep dive into industry funds.  Do you know what you are getting?

[07:28] How do industry work?

[13:15] What to consider when choosing a super fund?

[15:35] Is cost really a factor in choosing a super fund?

Do you want to get back on track and stay on track?

If you feel like you were cruising along only for your retirement to hit a speed bump when COVID-19 changed everything. Struggling to work out how to get back on track for your self-funded retirement. Then you’re not alone and you don’t need to do it alone.

Retirement planning is complex.

Here’s the reality, time will pass and 12 mths will go by. So, think of this way.

In 12 mths time, your retirement plan is going to be in one of four places. On your path to an ideal, ok, poor or crisis situation.

Most think the path to your future is a straight line. It’s not. It’s a curve. The line towards crisis accelerates more rapidly as time goes on. We call that drifting.

The curve towards a poor outcome is not as steep, but it’s still drifting. Those that end up in an ok or ideal retirement position, make decisions. The difference being drifting vs decisions. Do you know which path you are on right now?

If you’re either on the path to ideal and drop to ok, you’re most probably going to be ok. But if you are on ok and drop to be in a poor or crisis situation, that’s problematic.

Right now, you’re as close as you are ever going to be to jumping paths. Leave it too far down the path, and it’s harder. Trying to change paths is going to risky, costly, hard or impossible.

The big decision for you is, do you need to adjust the path you are on and do you want to ride the curve to a different outcome.

Lastly, there’s another option for you. To put everything into your retirement plan and accelerate your result and make it happen much sooner.

Which path are you on and how long do you want to wait before you change paths?

Schedule your super and retirement strategy call below and we’ll help you answer those questions and more.

Here’s to living your best life!

Glenn Doherty – CFP – Money Mentor | Taking the stress out of planning your self-funded retirement | Founder of Jigsaw Private Wealth

We conduct virtual client meetings!

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An opportunity to talk through some of your challenges and questions you have around your retirement.

Achieve some clarity and maybe a roadmap on how you can achieve a comfortable retirement.

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Advice Disclaimer: Any reference in this publication to the provision of advice refers to advice of a generic nature, and should not be taken as product or investment recommendations. Before any action is taken based on the information provided, independent financial advice from a licensed financial adviser should be sought. Financial Freedom Project Pty Ltd ATF GA & DC Doherty Family Trust Trading as Jigsaw Private Wealth is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Spark Advisors Australia Pty Ltd. The information contained in this publication is of a factual nature only and is not intended to constitute financial product advice. Information is current as at date of publication. This is an online information blog. It does not imply an offering of securities.

Financial Planning financial planning adelaide Money Psychology Retirement Self Managed Super Fund Superannuation