Posts Tagged ‘retirement planning’
Your Next Mountain & The Quest For The New Retirementality
Up until age 45-55, it’s all about personal achievement. You’re busy establishing your career, getting married, raising kids and putting them through school. It’s hectic… It’s not until you reach middle life that you realise there’s a BIGGER mountain to climb. A much BIGGER goal is at play. That’s achieving fulfilment, a life well lived…
Read MoreAvoid crashing your financial sportscar and live a fulfilled life in retirement!
When you combine a serious sport with entertainment and it becomes one of the most watched shows on TV, is there a problem? As you line up to try and putt a golf ball through a hole in a wall while being set on fire. Or run across a narrow ledge past a line of…
Read MoreRetirement planning lessons from the Navy Seals and SAS
The unpredictable events of 2020 has taught us some deep lessons. That no matter what the world throws at you, you must be agile in your planning. We only have to look as far as the Navy Seals and the SAS. Learn from how they prepare for stressful and highly volatile situations. How they manage…
Read MoreDo you need to flip your investment script to secure your retirement lifestyle?
Investing for retirement is the most talked about topic with financial planners. Outside how much money do you need for retirement. Sure, the way you invest is important. After all, the way you invest will determine your investment return and how well you do. It’s the sexy part of retirement planning. The one thing you…
Read MoreAre you confident you know what your magic number is to live an abundant lifestyle?
So you can do what you want, when you want, with the people you want without fear of running out of money! Two-thirds of over 50’s worry about how they will fund their retirement. Data cited by Fidelity International recent research, “Building Better Retirement Futures”. In reality, I suspect this number is higher. Many think…
Read MoreWhat does the budget mean for you?
With the impact of the COVID-19 on the economy, the federal government had no choice but throw the kitchen sink at pulling Australia out of recession. Having said that, we went into this recession in relatively good shape. The main theme, to get the Australian economy humming again in 2021. So, let’s look at what…
Read MoreHow to STOP making retirement planning decisions like a CONFUSED Donkey!
…without risking your retirement dreams, even if you are uncertain about the future. Have you ever been stuck trying to make a decision for yourself? Perhaps it’s one of these: How do I invest my money the right way and safely? How do I know I have ENOUGH money to retire when I’m ready? Will…
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