Retirement Action Plan

Retirement Action Plan Challenging times call for a calm and measured review. A time where everything you know about your investing journey has been challenged. Maybe you’re thinking the retirement you were planning is now of reach. Perhaps, your thinking about ramping up your efforts. Or maybe you’re looking to take advantage of the current…

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Lessons from the FIRE movement that will SAVE your Retirement…


Lessons from the FIRE movement that will save your Retirement… The FIRE movement hey, what are you talking about this time, Glenn?You may or may not have heard of the FIRE movement or Financially Independent Retire Early.They want to do things differently, impatient, wanting to not wait until their 60’s to enjoy the freedoms most work their whole…

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Untidy Gardens | Untidy Investment Portfolios

I’m embarrassed to mention this, but, I have left my gardens unattended for a couple of months now and they are looking disgraceful.  Overgrown lawns & weeds everywhere.Keep reading as I discuss the relevance in protecting your investment portfolio.My garden.  Since returning from a family holiday I’ve been really busy working on my business and helping…

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B.S. Called On Expert

I want to tell you about this Financial Adviser where B.S. is being called.  You might find I go on a little rant here…????Is what this Adviser saying really B.S?.????He posts a fair bit on Facebook, mainly to help educate more people on how to better balance living today while setting themselves up for a great life…

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Risks On The Path To Your Retirement Peak!

Reaching retirement is a little like climbing Mt Everest. The ultimate goal is to reach the Peak. You spend many years working hard to save and manage your money along the way to fund your retirement.  Then you spend many years on the way down using the money to create experiences and make the most…

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Case Study | John & Sandy | We examine their Gameplan for a Confident Retirement!

Part 3 Resources: We examine their Gameplan for a Confident Retirement! Click here>> to download the full Confident Retirement Gameplan shown in the video. Click here>> to download the Rock Retirement Guide. Click here>> to view the final video in the series.  We examine step by step the Gameplan for their Confident Retirement Plan. (…

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Want a “GREAT” Retirement?

Want a “GREAT” Retirement? So, you want a Great Retirement?  After all, who dosn’t? You’ve worked long and hard for it. The day where you have more time freedom whether you decide to fully retire or the opportunity to reinvent yourself. A Retirement where you create new experiences, holiday when you want, spend more time…

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