
Will your retirement plan weather the best of storms or sink beyond recovery?

I’ve just got back from lobster and wine territory in the Sth East of South Australia. A trip I make a couple of times a year to visit our valued clients in that region.

A great part of our state.

One thing that has changed is the grey nomad train is alive and kicking. I have not seen so many caravan’s in this region. They seem to outnumber cars these days…

Do you dream of caravanning through this great country of ours?

As I was visiting clients there was one overwhelming concern that came up at every meeting…

Investment markets and how much of an impact they’d had on their super balances.

Unless you’ve  been sitting under a rock. Share markets around the world have been falling, falling and falling…

It’s not a great feeling…

It’s kinda like a bandaid being ripped off…every day…


As you hear the news…read the paper…or for that matter check your super balances.

It’s draining and concerning especially if you’re on the cusp of retirement.

Even for someone who’s been doing this for two decades…it’s draining.

It gets to everyone…

Unfortunately there’s no vaccination or cure to make you feel better when markets catch a cold…

It’s not the first time we’ve been through something like this and it won’t be the last.

Unfortunately as humans we have short memories.

Retirement is different…

While you are working you have the safety of your income. It doesn’t matter what happens to the market…you still have your income.

The focus is on accumulation…return on investment…drip feeding into investments.

You have time to wait for a recovery.

What happens when you are close to and in retirement?

It’s different…

You rely on the income you receive from your super and investments.

You can’t afford to get it wrong…

It’s a different game…

It’s all about decumulation…return on income…safety margins and not being exposed…

Get your PDF copy of ENOUGH? here…

A war chest will keep you afloat…

Other than knowing your magic numbers for retirement. The most important, if not critical component of a well oiled retirement machine.

Is having a “War Chest”…

What is a “War Chest” you might ask.

Put simply it’s the amount of your super or investment portfolio that’s invested in cash, bonds and income producing assets.

While they bob around a little bit…it’s a little like being on a kiddies ride…it’ll bump you around a little but you’ll be just fine.

While shares are kinda like being on a roller coaster. Your gut is going to churn…it’s risky and if you decide to jump off mid ride…

Well let’s be honest…it’s not gonna end well.

A bedrock of all retirement plans for all our clients is having a “War Chest” big enough to get them through any market downturn.

Enough which means they don’t have to cut back on their retirement lifestyle…

Will you be caught swimming naked?

A famous saying by probably the best investor in the world, Warren Buffet…

Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked

Right now, there are many who are swimming naked…

Are you?

While markets are going well, amateurs think they are the best investor in the world.

But it’s only when share markets go through major turbulence do they realise they didn’t know as much as they thought.

Share markets are experiencing challengers that many have not experienced before…

It’s a time where the wrong move could have devastating effects on your retirement.

Request a Retirement Clarity call here…

A well thought out plan will see you weather the best of storms…

When markets are down, it can be stressful…and many people panic.

I don’t blame them. It’s hard…

If you have a well thought out plan you can and will get through the worst of storms.

Meeting with my clients this week, I knew we had set them up well. They had a “War Chest” to get them through the stormy seas.

Was I worried?

No way…

For those taking an income, they did not have to sell shares while they were down.

They had the time and the “War Chest” to get them through these stormy times.

For those who were still working towards retirement it was a great opportunity to take advantage of the current weaknesses. Even they had a “War Chest”.

Yes, at times you have to have nerves of steel…

I have a secret for you…

We’ve been here before. Decade after decade after decade. You only need to look at history.

It’s full of slumps, falls and crashes.

It’s not new.

Sure, there’s no guarantee…

In reality shares are down roughly 50% of the time and up 50% of the time.

Over the last century, investment markets have continued to new all time highs.

The evidence is compelling if you have a plan.

Want a robust Retirement Plan to get you through the worst of times?

You’re in the right place…

The problem is the longer you leave this the worse it will be.

Those that plan early reap the rewards and avoid the dangers stormy seas can bring.

It’s simple, book a call here and we’ll have a chat about your retirement plans. Discuss your challenges and help provide clarity and even a roadmap on how you can protect your retirement plan when the storm hits.

Glenn Doherty – CFP – Financial Planner | Helping people within 10 years of retirement achieve a successful retirement

We work with people in Adelaide and around Australia via virtual meetings!

Request a Retirement Clarity Call

An opportunity to talk through some of your challenges and questions you have around your retirement.

Achieve some clarity and maybe a roadmap on how you can achieve a comfortable retirement.

Schedule here

Advice Disclaimer: Any reference in this publication to the provision of advice refers to advice of a generic nature, and should not be taken as product or investment recommendations. Before any action is taken based on the information provided, independent financial advice from a licensed financial adviser should be sought. Financial Freedom Project Pty Ltd ATF GA & DC Doherty Family Trust Trading as Jigsaw Private Wealth is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Exelsuper Advice Pty Ltd. The information contained in this publication is of a factual nature only and is not intended to constitute financial product advice. Information is current as at date of publication. This is an online information blog. It does not imply an offering of securities.

financial planning adelaide Retirement Income Retirement Planning