Your Next Mountain & The Quest For The New Retirementality
Up until age 45-55, it’s all about personal achievement.
You’re busy establishing your career, getting married, raising kids and putting them through school. It’s hectic…
It’s not until you reach middle life that you realise there’s a BIGGER mountain to climb.
A much BIGGER goal is at play. That’s achieving fulfilment, a life well lived not a life fully worked.
But climbing that next mountain provides many challenges.
You must be equipped with the right tools to be able to tackle those challenges and make it to the top of your next mountain.
In this video we explore “The Quest for the New Retirementality”.
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Are you asking these questions?
Are you wondering whether you’re on TRACK for a comfortable retirement?
Do you want to know how to set your financial resources up for your retirement?
Do you want to know how to safeguard your retirement lifestyle?
Schedule your complimentary Retirement Breakthrough Session here or on the button below.
Don’t wait to get answers to these all important questions.
Make it an Abundant Lifestyle in Retirement!
Glenn Doherty – CFP – Retirement Planning Specialist | Retirement Planning for over 50’s couples and individuals | Founder of Jigsaw Private Wealth