Our Process
Your path/roadmap to living your best life in retirement
without fear of running out of money, no matter what
Retirement Clarity Call
How Much Is Enough?
Are you wondering how much money you need to last through your retirement years?
Research shows the majority of people have no idea how much money they need to support their retirement lifestyle. Our job is to help you figure this out before it's too late...
Once we help you work out how much money is enough, putting your life at the centre of every financial decision, not products.
We help you to accumulate it, manage it, protect it, and more importantly, ENJOY IT - before it's too late.
Why work with Jigsaw Private Wealth?
Our process is simply to show you how you can live your best life in
retirement without running out of money, in plain English.
The reality is many Financial Planners have too many clients they don't
or can't serve. Try to be all things to all people. Or they want to sell you
a product or investment service that doesn't serve you. We don't...
Our role is to sit by your side as your guide. To help you gain clarity
about your financial position. Provide direction through a well thought
out step-by-step retirement roadmap...
Your step-by-step path to Financial Freedom...
30 minute Retirement Clarity Call
We'll have a chat about your retirement plans, provide clarity and maybe a roadmap to get clear on setting you up for success in retirement. Without fear of running out of money...
This is not a call to sell you a product or investment service. That's not us.
Phase #1 - Financial X-ray - In-person or online via-Zoom
We diagnose before we prescribe. A good doctor would never write a prescription before performing a thorough diagnosis.
You'll spend 60 minutes with Glenn unpacking your dream retirement lifestyle and the cost of your retirement lifestyle. While discussing your financial concerns.
We'll complete a full financial analysis on your current financial position. Complete a long-term cashflow forecast to identify if you have enough.
Uncover hidden gaps you're unaware of..
Phase #2 - Retirement Roadmap - In-person or online via-Zoom.
Your retirement prescription...
You'll spend 90 minutes with Glenn as he walks you through your customised retirement roadmap.
You'll know...how you are positioned?...Are you on TRACK?...Are you going to run out of money or not?...Can you DREAM bigger in retirement or retire earlier than you were thinking.
Your step-by-step retirement roadmap will outline a clear path forward with everything you need to know. All your retirement questions will be answered.
Investment for Phase#1 and Phase #2 - $4k (inclusive of gst)
You have the option to implement it yourself or let us take care of the implementation for you...
Phase #3 - Retirement Guide
Ongoing guidance...
Working with you, we'll take the stress out of implementing your retirement roadmap.
You'll have a guide who will sit alongside you as your embark on your retirement journey.
At your regular Forward Planning Meetings you'll be kept up to date on your key financial numbers. We'll keep you abreast of the key decisions you need to make to keep your retirement on TRACK. Helping you avoid blind spots you can't see.
Our sole focus is to help you live your best life without fear of running out of money